Pro Seniors Inc
Founded in 1975, Pro Seniors is a non-profit organization that provides free legal and long-term care help to older adults. Pro Seniors offers Ohio residents age 60 and older the advice and information they need to solve their legal and nursing home, adult care facility, and home health care problems.
Legal Services
* Legal Hotline
* Hotline Attorney Referral Panel
* Ohio Pension Rights Project
* Health Care Consumer Rights Project
* Medicaid - Medicare Eligibility Information
* Pamphlets
Pro Seniors Inc
7162 Reading Rd #1150
Cincinnati OH 45237
Tel: 800 488-6070; 513 345-4160
Fax: 513 621-5613
The Pro Seniors Mission
Pro Seniors is dedicated to helping older adults maintain their independence by empowering them, by protecting their interests, and by helping them access resources.
What Pro Seniors Offers You
Pro Seniors’ Legal Hotline serves the State of Ohio. By calling our Legal Hotline, Ohio residents age 60 or older can receive free assistance over the telephone with a variety of legal or long-term care problems. In Greater Cincinnati, the number to call is (513) 345-4160. In other parts of Ohio, call (800) 488-6070. You can find more information on the Legal Hotline by selecting the Legal Hotline link.
Legal Help
If you have a legal problem that cannot be resolved over the telephone, the Legal Hotline may refer you to a Pro Seniors staff attorney if you live in Butler, Clermont, Clinton, Hamilton or Warren County. Our staff attorneys handle problems that many private attorneys do not, such as Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, other government benefits and pensions. The Legal Hotline may also refer you to a private attorney who has agreed to accept cases at a reduced fee for clients with limited income.
Legal Information Pamphlets
Pro Seniors provides pamphlets on a variety of subjects, from Medicare and Medicaid to consumer fraud and food stamps. You can find a complete list by selecting the Pamphlets link.
Long-term Care Ombudsmen
If you have a complaint about a nursing home, Pro Seniors can help. Our long-term care ombudsmen will investigate and work with you to resolve your concerns about nursing facilities in Butler, Clermont, Clinton, Hamilton, and Warren counties. Pro Seniors ombudsmen also handle complaints about home care and adult care facilities. You can find more information about the Ombudsman program by selecting the Ombudsman link.
Volunteer Opportunities
If you are interested in assisting older people and have a few free hours each week, Pro Seniors offers a variety of volunteer opportunities. For more information about our volunteer Ombudsman Program, select the Ombudsman link. If you are concerned about fraud and waste in the health care system, select the Ohio Seniors Fight Fraud link to learn more about volunteering for this project. If you are an attorney, you can assist callers to the Legal Hotline or conduct legal research. Paralegals can provide valuable support to our legal staff. Volunteers also are needed to assist staff with mailings and other office projects.
Pro Seniors is funded by private donations, various grants, and the following:
- United Way & Community Chest
- Ohio Legal Assistance Foundation
- Ohio Department of Aging, and
- Older Americans Act
